Turf Wars are a special mechanic introduced in Monter Hunter World, then further expanded upon with every new iteration of the game. It has returned in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and is bigger than ever. In essence, Turf Wars means that when two big monsters meet out in the world, they might fight in a cinematic battle, during which one or both of the monstrous participants might take sizeable damage, or drop an item; or both.
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List of Monster Turf Wars in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Magnamalo | Magnamalo | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands |
Scorned Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo | Shrine Ruins |
Somnacanth | Somnacanth (both take damage) | Frost Islands |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Bishaten | Almudron (both take damage) | Flooded Forest, Shrine Ruins |
Blood Orange Bishaten | Tie (both take damage) | Sandy Plains |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Kulu-Ya-Ku | Anjanath | Flooded Forest, Sandy Plains, Jungle |
Great Wroggi | Anjanath | Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns, Jungle |
Tetranadon | Anjanath | Lava Caverns, Jungle |
Tobi-Kadachi | Anjanath | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Rathalos | Rathalos | Lava Caverns, Shrine Ruins, Citadel, Jungle |
Rathian | Rathian | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns, Jungle |
Diablos | Diablos (both take damage) | Sandy Plains |
Nargacuga | Nargacuga (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Tigrex | Tigrex (both take damage) | Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns |
Zinogre | Zinogre (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Tetranadon | Tetranadon | Shrine Ruins |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Mizutsune | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest Jungle |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Magnamalo | Magnamalo | Frost Islands |
Scorned Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo | Frost Islands, Citadel |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Diablos | Diablos | Sandy Plains |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Magnamalo | Magnamalo | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Lava Caverns |
Scorned Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Rajang | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns, Citadel, Jungle |
Furious Rajang | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns, Citadel, Jungle |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Almudron | Almudron (both take damage) | Flooded Forest, Shrine Ruins |
Rathalos | Rathalos | Shrine Ruins |
Blood Orange Bishaten
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Almudron | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains |
Rathalos | Rathalos | Shrine Ruins, Citadel |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Barroth | Diablos | Sandy Plains |
Rathian | Diablos | Sandy Plains |
Anjanath | Diablos (both take damage) | Sandy Plains |
Diablos | Random outcome which Diablos wins | Sandy Plains |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Kushala Daora | Random outcome (both take damage) | Citadel, Jungle |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Lunagaron | Lunagaron | Citadel |
Gore Magala
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Seregios | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Citadel |
Goss Harag
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Tetranadon | Goss Harag (both take damage) | Frost Islands |
Great Wroggi
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Anjanath | Anjanath | Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns, Jungle |
Rathalos | Rathalos | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Anjanath | Anjanath | Flooded Forest, Sandy Plains, Jungle |
Rathalos | Rathalos | Lava Caverns |
Kushala Daora
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Magnamalo | Tie (both take damage) | Frost Islands |
Scorned Magnamalo | Tie (both take damage) | Frost Islands, Citadel |
Teostra | Random outcome (both take damage) | Sandy Plains, Citadel |
Rajang | Unknown | Frost Islands, Sandy Plains, Citadel, Jungle |
Furious Rajang | Unknown | Frost Islands, Sandy Plains, Citadel, Jungle |
Espinas | Random outcome (both take damage) | Citadel, Jungle |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Tetranadon | Tetranadon | Frost Islands |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Zinogre | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Citadel, Jungle |
Garangolm | Lunagaron | Citadel |
Malzeno | Malzeno (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Citadel |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Aknosom | Magnamalo | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands |
Barioth | Magnamalo | Frost Islands |
Bazelgeuse | Magnamalo | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Lava Caverns |
Rathalos | Magnamalo (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns |
Kushala Daora | Tie (both take damage) | Frost Islands |
Teostra | Tie (both take damage) | Lava Caverns |
Scorned Magnamalo
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Aknosom | Scorned Magnamalo | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands |
Barioth | Scorned Magnamalo | Frost Islands, Citadel |
Bazelgeuse | Scorned Magnamalo | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Rathalos | Scorned Magnamalo (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Kushala Daora | Tie (both take damage) | Frost Islands, Citadel |
Malzeno | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Teostra | Tie (both take damage) | Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Lunagaron | Malzeno (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Citadel |
Scorned Magnamalo | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Citadel |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Zinogre | Zinogre (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Astalos | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Jungle |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Anjanath | Nargacuga (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Rathalos | Nargacuga (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins |
Rathian | Nargacuga (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Rajang | Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest |
Furious Rajang | Furious Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Pukei-Pukei | Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest |
Rathalos | Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Rathian | Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest Lava Caverns, Jungle |
Bazelgeuse | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns, Citadel, Jungle |
Kushala Daora | Unknown | Frost Islands, Sandy Plains, Citadel, Jungle |
Teostra | Unknown | Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Furious Rajang
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Pukei-Pukei | Furious Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest |
Rathalos | Furious Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Rathian | Furious Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Bazelgeuse | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Frost Islands, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns, Citadel, Jungle |
Kushala Daora | Unknown | Frost Islands, Sandy Plains, Citadel, Jungle |
Teostra | Unknown | Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Anjanath | Rathalos | Lava Caverns, Shrine Ruins, Citadel |
Bishaten | Rathalos | Shrine Ruins |
Great Wroggi | Rathalos | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns |
Kula-Ya-Ku | Rathalos | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns |
Tobi-Kadachi | Rathalos | Shrine Ruins |
Rajang | Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Furious Rajang | Furious Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Magnamalo | Magnamalo (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns |
Scorned Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Nargacuga | Nargacuga (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins |
Tigrex | Tigrex (both take damage) | Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Zinogre | Zinogre (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Citadel |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Anjanath | Rathian | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns, Jungle |
Diablos | Diablos | Sandy Plains |
Rajang | Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns, Jungle |
Furious Rajang | Furious Rajang | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns, Jungle |
Nargacuga | Nargacuga (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Tigrex | Tigrex (both take damage) | Sandy Plains |
Zinogre | Zinogre (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Gore Magala | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Citadel |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Aknosom | Somnacanth (both take damage) | Frost Islands |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Kushala Daora | Random outcome (both take damage) | Sandy Plains, Citadel |
Magnamalo | Tie (both take damage) | Lava Caverns |
Scorned Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo (both take damage) | Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Rajang | Unknown | Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Furious Rajang | Unknown | Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Arzuros | Tetranadon | Shrine Ruins |
Lagombi | Tetranadon | Frost Islands |
Volvidon | Tetranadon | Lava Caverns |
Anjanath | Anjanath | Lava Caverns |
Goss Harag | Goss Harag (both take damage) | Frost Islands |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Anjanath | Tigrex (both take damage) | Sandy Plains, Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Rathalos | Tigrex (both take damage) | Lava Caverns, Citadel |
Rathian | Tigrex (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, Lava Caverns |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Anjanath | Anjanath | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Rathalos | Rathalos | Shrine Ruins |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Tetranadon | Tetranadon | Lava Caverns |
Opponent | Winner | Locations |
Lunagaron | Tie (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Citadel Jungle |
Anjanath | Zinogre (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Citadel, Jungle |
Mizutsune | Zinogre (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
Rahtalos | Zinogre (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Citadel |
Rathian | Zinogre (both take damage) | Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, Jungle |
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Published: Jul 6, 2022 10:00 am